Texas National Municipal Utility District has begun sanitary sewer line cleaning televising programs throughout the District. Televising is done by placing a camera in the sanitary sewer lines and recording its condition. At times, the contractor will require access to the lines. In some cases, the work will require access to some of your back yards. Please observe appropriate notices (door hangers and yard signs) prior to and during the project work. Special attention is directed to ceasing or limiting water usage during the notice period, if possible. Disruption will be kept to a minimum. The televising and cleaning project is a 45-day contract and will begin around August 10th (weather permitting). Your cooperation during this project is greatly appreciated.
For additional information and questions, please refer to the District’s website at www.texasnationalmud.com or contact the District Engineer’s office at (936) 271-9600 (Blyel Engineering).