Texas National MUD
New Service Agreement
PO Box 1261
Willis, TX 77378
(936) 443-7920 Email: rebecca@aquamanagementtx.com
Revised 1/1/23 RA
Service Agreement Per TN Rate Order: A $60 Service Initiation fee added to 1st bill
SERVICE AGREEMENT: The following are the terms of the service agreement between Texas National Municipal Utility district (The “Water System”) and the customer requesting service.
A. The Water System will maintain a copy of this agreement as long as the Customer and/or the premises is connected to the Water System.
B. The Customer shall allow his property to be inspected for the possible cross-connections and other undesirable plumbing practices. These inspections shall be conducted by the Water System prior to initiating service and periodically thereafter. The inspections shall be conducted during the Water System’s normal business hours.
C. The Water System shall notify the Customer, in writing, of any cross-connection or other undesirable plumbing practice which has been identified during the initial inspection or the periodic re-inspection.
D. The Customer shall immediately correct any undesirable plumbing practice on his premises.
E. The Customer shall, at his expense, properly install, test and maintain any backflow prevention device required by the Water System. Copies of all testing and maintenance records shall be provided to the Water System.
F. The Customer hereby releases the Water System, including its agents or employees, from any or all liability related to any sewer system backup at the Customer’s property attributable in whole or in part to the Customer’s property being located below the elevation of Water System’s nearest manhole serving the Customer’s property. Customer shall be solely responsible for installing and maintaining appropriate check valves on Customer’s property to protect against any such sewer backups.
ENFORCEMENT: If the Customer fails to comply with the terms of this Service Agreement, the Water System may, at its option, terminate service or properly install, test and maintain an appropriate backflow prevention device at the service connection. Any expenses associated with the enforcement of this agreement shall be billed to the Customer.