Disaster Relief

Below are the steps in the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) recovery process for the February Winter Storm (DR-4586):

Applicant Briefing

Attend a DR-4586 Applicant Briefing.

Request for Public Assistance (RPA)

Submit a RPA for your organization. The deadline to submit a RPA is currently March 21, 2021.

  • Step 1: Log in to FEMA Grants Portal (https://grantee.fema.gov/).
  • Step 2: select “Click here to submit an RPA for your organization” on the Dashboard.
  • Step 3: Select DR-4586 and complete each section by following the prompts.

pSTAT – Damage Assessments

Currently DR-4586 is only a category B – Emergency Protective Measures declaration but in an effort to have a full disaster declaration please have each Sub Recipient complete a damage assessment for each location that sustained damage as a result of the storm using TDEM’s damage assessment tool pSTAT (Public Assistance State of Texas Assessment Tool). This damage assessment information is a critical action needed to provide to FEMA to declare other categories of work and should be completed within the next 2 weeks.

Additionally,  visit TDEM – Texas Emergency Management and click on the “February Winter Weather” icon. There are many useful resources on their website.